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lunes, 30 de julio de 2018
domingo, 29 de julio de 2018
Bajo el arco
Bajo el arco
La playa Cala Blanca obtiene su nombre de la coloración dominante de la roca, en la que el efecto de la erosión marina configura esculturas naturales de gran belleza. Desde ella se tienen buenas vistas del Montgó. Está compuesta por tres calitas contiguas, conectadas por litoral de piedra.
Cala Blanca beach gets its name from the dominant coloration of the rock, in which the effect of marine erosion forms natural sculptures of great beauty. From there you have good views of the Montgó. It is composed of three contiguous coves, connected by stone littoral.
Cala Blanca beach gets its name from the dominant coloration of the rock, in which the effect of marine erosion forms natural sculptures of great beauty. From there you have good views of the Montgó. It is composed of three contiguous coves, connected by stone littoral.
sábado, 28 de julio de 2018
Dentro de la cueca
Dentro de la cueva
La Cova dels Arcs se encuentra junto a la cala del Moraig y es uno de los mejores ejemplos de drenaje de un sistema kárstico, que ha pasado de condiciones continentales o litorales a submarinas. Esta cavidad kárstica, desarrollada inicialmente en condiciones subaéreas, fue inundada durante el último ascenso del nivel del mar (hace aproximadamente 6.000 años). La acción erosiva del oleaje y la disolución del agua marina sobre las rocas calizas ha dado lugar a la imagen actual de esta singular cueva. Actualmente, es un icono emblemático en el litoral valenciano, ya que desde su interior en los días de mar en calma se puede observar la entrada de luz por dos grandes arcos y un agujero superior.
The Cova dels Arcs is next to the Cala del Moraig and is one of the best examples of drainage of a karst system, which has gone from continental or coastal to submarine conditions. This karstic cavity, initially developed in subaerial conditions, was flooded during the last ascent of sea level (approximately 6,000 years ago). The erosive action of the waves and the dissolution of sea water on the limestone rocks has given rise to the current image of this unique cave. Currently, it is an emblematic icon on the Valencian coast, since from its interior in the days of calm sea you can observe the entrance of light by two large arches and a higher hole.
The Cova dels Arcs is next to the Cala del Moraig and is one of the best examples of drainage of a karst system, which has gone from continental or coastal to submarine conditions. This karstic cavity, initially developed in subaerial conditions, was flooded during the last ascent of sea level (approximately 6,000 years ago). The erosive action of the waves and the dissolution of sea water on the limestone rocks has given rise to the current image of this unique cave. Currently, it is an emblematic icon on the Valencian coast, since from its interior in the days of calm sea you can observe the entrance of light by two large arches and a higher hole.
viernes, 27 de julio de 2018
jueves, 26 de julio de 2018
miércoles, 25 de julio de 2018
Una cala diferente
Una cala diferente
A los pies del Macizo del Puig Llorença, entre acantilados e impresionantes formaciones geológicas, se encuentra esta cala de grava y aguas transparentes. El excepcional enclave y el color de sus aguas recrean un paisaje paradisíaco y le brindan un encanto único. La calidad de las aguas y el entorno han sido avalados por la certificación de la Bandera Azul y la mención especial al servicio de salvamento y socorrismo por la Fundación Adeac (2014). Además de su atractivo para el baño, junto a ella se encuentran impresionantes formaciones geológicas como la Falla del Moraig y la Cova dels Arcs, una bellísima cueva acuática que es la salida al mar de un río subterráneo. Un tesoro para los amantes del submarinismo.
At the foot of the Puig Llorença massif, between cliffs and impressive geological formations, is this cove of gravel and transparent waters. The exceptional enclave and the color of its waters recreate a paradisiacal landscape and give it a unique charm. The quality of the waters and the surroundings have been guaranteed by the Blue Flag certification and the special mention to the rescue and lifeguard service by the Adeac Foundation (2014). In addition to its attractiveness for the bath, next to it are impressive geological formations such as the Falla del Moraig and the Cova dels Arcs, a beautiful aquatic cave that is the outlet to the sea of an underground river. A treasure for lovers of scuba diving.
At the foot of the Puig Llorença massif, between cliffs and impressive geological formations, is this cove of gravel and transparent waters. The exceptional enclave and the color of its waters recreate a paradisiacal landscape and give it a unique charm. The quality of the waters and the surroundings have been guaranteed by the Blue Flag certification and the special mention to the rescue and lifeguard service by the Adeac Foundation (2014). In addition to its attractiveness for the bath, next to it are impressive geological formations such as the Falla del Moraig and the Cova dels Arcs, a beautiful aquatic cave that is the outlet to the sea of an underground river. A treasure for lovers of scuba diving.
martes, 24 de julio de 2018
Planes de la Baronía es un pueblo de titulación señorial, asentado a los pies de un castillo musulmán de recios muros de los siglos XII y XIII cuyo dominio y control fue del caudillo Al Azraq hasta la reconquista emprendida por el rey Jaime I. Planes es un bonito pueblo con una estructura urbana de calles empinadas, escaleras en graderío y fuentes de agua fresca. Destaca por su accidentada demarcación que se tiende al sur del río Serpis sobre las laderas septentrionales de la sierra de Almudaina y la sierra de la Albureca. Profundos barrancos drenan la complejidad topográfica de su relieve. Detrás se encuentra la sierra de San Cristóbal, con la particularidad de que posee un vía crucis que conduce a la Ermita del Santo Cristo, muy bien cuidada y de recia construcción. Integra al mismo tiempo las pedanías de Benialfaquí, Catamarruch y Margarida.
Planes de la Baronía is a village of noble title, settled at the foot of a Muslim castle of strong walls of the XII and XIII centuries whose domination and control was the caudillo Al Azraq until the reconquest undertaken by King Jaime I. Planes is a nice town with an urban structure of steep streets, stairs in stands and fresh water fountains. It stands out for its rugged demarcation that tends to the south of the river Serpis on the northern slopes of the Almudaina mountain range and the Albureca mountain range. Deep ravines drain the topographical complexity of its relief. Behind is the Sierra de San Cristóbal, with the particularity that it has a via crucis that leads to the Hermitage of Santo Cristo, very well maintained and with a strong construction. Integra at the same time the districts of Benialfaquí, Catamarruch and Margarida.
Planes de la Baronía is a village of noble title, settled at the foot of a Muslim castle of strong walls of the XII and XIII centuries whose domination and control was the caudillo Al Azraq until the reconquest undertaken by King Jaime I. Planes is a nice town with an urban structure of steep streets, stairs in stands and fresh water fountains. It stands out for its rugged demarcation that tends to the south of the river Serpis on the northern slopes of the Almudaina mountain range and the Albureca mountain range. Deep ravines drain the topographical complexity of its relief. Behind is the Sierra de San Cristóbal, with the particularity that it has a via crucis that leads to the Hermitage of Santo Cristo, very well maintained and with a strong construction. Integra at the same time the districts of Benialfaquí, Catamarruch and Margarida.
lunes, 23 de julio de 2018
Acantilados de Sierra Helada
Acantilados de Sierra Helada
La Sierra Helada (en valenciano Serra Gelada) es uno de los Parques Naturales de la Comunidad Valenciana desde el 11 de marzo de 2005. Está formada por un impresionante relieve, que se alza abruptamente desde la planicie de Benidorm y Alfaz del Pi. La sierra da lugar en su frente litoral a acantilados de más de 300 m de altura y alberga reductos de vegetación de un valor excepcional, como la interesante duna fósil colgante y la peculiar vegetación que la coloniza. Además, la sierra comparte diversos endemismos botánicos con el vecino Peñón de Ifach.
La mayor singularidad de la zona se debe probablemente al hecho de que estas excepcionales condiciones naturales se dan en un entorno turístico muy frecuentado. De ahí que la figura de Parque natural resulte idónea para conseguir los objetivos de declaración de este espacio, partiendo de la necesidad de equilibrar el desarrollo socioeconómico con la conservación de los recursos y valores de los espacios naturales. Lo visitaron en el año 2006 unas 131.000 personas, lo que supera con diferencia a todos los parques de la Comunidad Valenciana, incluso a varios parques nacionales.
The Sierra Helada (in Valencian Serra Gelada) is one of the Natural Parks of the Valencian Community since March 11, 2005. It is formed by an impressive relief, which rises abruptly from the plain of Benidorm and Alfaz del Pi. The mountain range gives rise on its coastal front to cliffs over 300 m high and houses redoubts of vegetation of exceptional value, such as the interesting hanging fossil dune and the peculiar vegetation that colonizes it. In addition, the sierra shares diverse botanical endemisms with the neighboring Peñón de Ifach.
The greatest uniqueness of the area is probably due to the fact that these exceptional natural conditions occur in a very frequented tourist environment. Hence, the figure of Natural Park is ideal to achieve the objectives of declaration of this space, starting from the need to balance the socioeconomic development with the conservation of the resources and values of the natural spaces. It was visited in 2006 by some 131,000 people, which far exceeds all parks in the Valencian Community, including several national parks.
La mayor singularidad de la zona se debe probablemente al hecho de que estas excepcionales condiciones naturales se dan en un entorno turístico muy frecuentado. De ahí que la figura de Parque natural resulte idónea para conseguir los objetivos de declaración de este espacio, partiendo de la necesidad de equilibrar el desarrollo socioeconómico con la conservación de los recursos y valores de los espacios naturales. Lo visitaron en el año 2006 unas 131.000 personas, lo que supera con diferencia a todos los parques de la Comunidad Valenciana, incluso a varios parques nacionales.
The Sierra Helada (in Valencian Serra Gelada) is one of the Natural Parks of the Valencian Community since March 11, 2005. It is formed by an impressive relief, which rises abruptly from the plain of Benidorm and Alfaz del Pi. The mountain range gives rise on its coastal front to cliffs over 300 m high and houses redoubts of vegetation of exceptional value, such as the interesting hanging fossil dune and the peculiar vegetation that colonizes it. In addition, the sierra shares diverse botanical endemisms with the neighboring Peñón de Ifach.
The greatest uniqueness of the area is probably due to the fact that these exceptional natural conditions occur in a very frequented tourist environment. Hence, the figure of Natural Park is ideal to achieve the objectives of declaration of this space, starting from the need to balance the socioeconomic development with the conservation of the resources and values of the natural spaces. It was visited in 2006 by some 131,000 people, which far exceeds all parks in the Valencian Community, including several national parks.
domingo, 22 de julio de 2018
sábado, 21 de julio de 2018
viernes, 20 de julio de 2018
Un momento irrepetible
Un momento irrepetible
Playa de los Estudiantes en Villajoyosa.
Al fondo, la isla de Benidorm.
Beach of the Students in Villajoyosa.
In the background, the island of Benidorm.
jueves, 19 de julio de 2018
Dos pueblos, dos ciudades
Dos pueblos, dos ciudades
Altea y Benidorm vistas desde el Morro de Toix.
Altea and Benidorm views from the Morro de Toix.
miércoles, 18 de julio de 2018
martes, 17 de julio de 2018
domingo, 15 de julio de 2018
sábado, 14 de julio de 2018
Enclavado en en el Valle de Guadalest, se encuentra en las estribaciones de la Sierra de Aitana, lo que proporciona interesantes excursiones.
Población de origen musulmán, pasó a depender de Guadalest tras la conquista cristiana a mediados del siglo XIII. Fue repoblada por cristianos, en gran parte de Aragón, una vez expulsados los moriscos en 1609.
Entre los lugares de interés destaca su pintoresco casco urbano, con vistas al valle y al pantano de Guadalest.
Nestled in the Guadalest Valley, it is located in the foothills of the Sierra de Aitana, which provides interesting excursions.
Population of Muslim origin, happened to depend on Guadalest after the Christian conquest in the middle of the XIII century. It was repopulated by Christians, in a large part of Aragon, once the Moors were expelled in 1609.
Among the places of interest, its picturesque urban center stands out, with views of the valley and the Guadalest reservoir.
Población de origen musulmán, pasó a depender de Guadalest tras la conquista cristiana a mediados del siglo XIII. Fue repoblada por cristianos, en gran parte de Aragón, una vez expulsados los moriscos en 1609.
Entre los lugares de interés destaca su pintoresco casco urbano, con vistas al valle y al pantano de Guadalest.
Nestled in the Guadalest Valley, it is located in the foothills of the Sierra de Aitana, which provides interesting excursions.
Population of Muslim origin, happened to depend on Guadalest after the Christian conquest in the middle of the XIII century. It was repopulated by Christians, in a large part of Aragon, once the Moors were expelled in 1609.
Among the places of interest, its picturesque urban center stands out, with views of the valley and the Guadalest reservoir.
viernes, 13 de julio de 2018
Anochece en Guadalest
Anochece en Guadalest
Guadalest es un municipio de la Comunidad Valenciana, situado en el interior de la provincia de Alicante, en la comarca de la Marina Baja.
Es una población pequeña pero fundamentalmente turística y muy conocida por el pintoresco castillo que domina todo el valle de Guadalest.
Guadalest is a municipality of the Valencian Community, located in the interior of the province of Alicante, in the region of the Marina Baja.
It is a small town but mainly tourist and well known for the picturesque castle that dominates the entire valley of Guadalest.
Es una población pequeña pero fundamentalmente turística y muy conocida por el pintoresco castillo que domina todo el valle de Guadalest.
Guadalest is a municipality of the Valencian Community, located in the interior of the province of Alicante, in the region of the Marina Baja.
It is a small town but mainly tourist and well known for the picturesque castle that dominates the entire valley of Guadalest.
miércoles, 11 de julio de 2018
martes, 10 de julio de 2018
domingo, 8 de julio de 2018
sábado, 7 de julio de 2018
Claustro del Carmen
Claustro del Carmen BN
El Claustro del Carmen es un edificio emblemático de la ciudad de Mahón. Forma parte del conjunto de la Iglesia del Carmen, la más grande de la ciudad, situada en la plaza que le da nombre a la misma. Fue fundada por la Orden de los Carmelitas, al igual que el antiguo convento situado detrás del templo donde se conserva su bello Claustro. Su construcción se inicio a mediados del siglo XVIII y no fue finalizada hasta el siglo XIX. Es un templo de estilo neoclásico en el que se guarda la imagen de la Virgen del Carmen, patrona de los marineros, muy venerada por los habitantes de la población.
El claustro del Carmen se sitúa detrás de la Iglesia del Carmen formando conjunto con ella y es uno de los edificios más visitados de la Ciudad de Mahón. Edificado de 1750 a 1808 al mismo tiempo que la iglesia, los trámites comenzaron en 1683 y se vio transformado, por la desamortización en 1835, albergó la cárcel, los tribunales de justicia y el mercado.
El Claustro del Carmen is an emblematic building in the city of Mahón. It is part of the whole of the Church of Carmen, the largest in the city, located in the square that gives its name to it. It was founded by the Order of the Carmelites, just like the old convent located behind the temple where its beautiful Cloister is preserved. Its construction began in the mid-eighteenth century and was not completed until the nineteenth century. It is a temple of neoclassical style in which the image of the Virgen del Carmen, patron saint of the sailors, is very venerated by the inhabitants of the town.
The Cloister of Carmen is located behind the Church of Carmen forming a group with it and is one of the most visited buildings in the City of Mahon. Built from 1750 to 1808 at the same time as the church, the procedures began in 1683 and was transformed, by the confiscation in 1835, sheltered the prison, the courts of justice and the market.
El claustro del Carmen se sitúa detrás de la Iglesia del Carmen formando conjunto con ella y es uno de los edificios más visitados de la Ciudad de Mahón. Edificado de 1750 a 1808 al mismo tiempo que la iglesia, los trámites comenzaron en 1683 y se vio transformado, por la desamortización en 1835, albergó la cárcel, los tribunales de justicia y el mercado.
El Claustro del Carmen is an emblematic building in the city of Mahón. It is part of the whole of the Church of Carmen, the largest in the city, located in the square that gives its name to it. It was founded by the Order of the Carmelites, just like the old convent located behind the temple where its beautiful Cloister is preserved. Its construction began in the mid-eighteenth century and was not completed until the nineteenth century. It is a temple of neoclassical style in which the image of the Virgen del Carmen, patron saint of the sailors, is very venerated by the inhabitants of the town.
The Cloister of Carmen is located behind the Church of Carmen forming a group with it and is one of the most visited buildings in the City of Mahon. Built from 1750 to 1808 at the same time as the church, the procedures began in 1683 and was transformed, by the confiscation in 1835, sheltered the prison, the courts of justice and the market.
viernes, 6 de julio de 2018
jueves, 5 de julio de 2018
De aquellos amaneceres ...
De aquellos amaneceres ...
La Isla del Descubridor (en valenciano, Illa del Descobridor) es una isla en la localidad de Javea en la provincia de Alicante (España). Se trata de una isla alargada situada en la banda sur del cabo de la Nao y posee una extensión de 2,5 hectáreas. Es enteramente pedregosa y casi inabordable. Posee una todavía importante colonia de cormoranes y sus fondos son muy apreciados y frecuentados por los buceadores. Su nombre proviene, según la historia popular en honor de un marino local, llamado Bartolomé, que estuvo en la tripulación de unos de los barcos comandados por Cristobal Colón en su descubrimiento de América.
The Island of the Discoverer (in Valencian, Illa del Descobridor) is an island in the town of Javea in the province of Alicante (Spain). It is an elongated island located on the south side of Cabo de la Nao and has an extension of 2.5 hectares. It is entirely stony and almost unapproachable. It has an important colony of cormorants and its funds are highly appreciated and frequented by divers. Its name comes, according to popular history in honor of a local sailor, named Bartolomé, who was in the crew of one of the ships commanded by Christopher Columbus in his discovery of America.
The Island of the Discoverer (in Valencian, Illa del Descobridor) is an island in the town of Javea in the province of Alicante (Spain). It is an elongated island located on the south side of Cabo de la Nao and has an extension of 2.5 hectares. It is entirely stony and almost unapproachable. It has an important colony of cormorants and its funds are highly appreciated and frequented by divers. Its name comes, according to popular history in honor of a local sailor, named Bartolomé, who was in the crew of one of the ships commanded by Christopher Columbus in his discovery of America.
miércoles, 4 de julio de 2018
Descanso dominical
Descanso dominical
La iglesia parroquial de San Pedro apóstol fué construida a principios del siglo XVIII.
En su interior hay una gran nave central dividida en cuatro tramos apoyados en contrafuertes que sujetan bóvedas de cañón.La luz penetra por ventanas cubiertas por alabastro.
Frente a la puerta hay una pequeña ermita, la de la Divina aurora, a sus puertas y desde el siglo XVIII, se reunía un grupo cantor, los aurosos, que recorrían el pueblo cantando y recogiendo limosna.
The parish church of St. Peter the Apostle was built at the beginning of the 18th century.
In its interior there is a large central nave divided into four sections supported by buttresses that hold barrel vaults. The light penetrates through windows covered by alabaster.
In front of the door there is a small hermitage, that of the Divine Aurora, at its doors and from the 18th century, a group of singers met, the aurosos, who roamed the town singing and collecting alms.
En su interior hay una gran nave central dividida en cuatro tramos apoyados en contrafuertes que sujetan bóvedas de cañón.La luz penetra por ventanas cubiertas por alabastro.
Frente a la puerta hay una pequeña ermita, la de la Divina aurora, a sus puertas y desde el siglo XVIII, se reunía un grupo cantor, los aurosos, que recorrían el pueblo cantando y recogiendo limosna.
The parish church of St. Peter the Apostle was built at the beginning of the 18th century.
In its interior there is a large central nave divided into four sections supported by buttresses that hold barrel vaults. The light penetrates through windows covered by alabaster.
In front of the door there is a small hermitage, that of the Divine Aurora, at its doors and from the 18th century, a group of singers met, the aurosos, who roamed the town singing and collecting alms.
martes, 3 de julio de 2018
El Gorg de l'Escala - Anna - Valencia
El Gorg de l'Escala - Anna - Valencia
En el Gorgo de l'Escala,el río ha creado un gran cañón de profundas aguas cristalinas al que se accede a través de 136 escalones.
Sus aguas se precipitan en un "gorgo", formando una gran cola de caballo que llaman "El Salto". Debido a su situación poco accesible a los rayos del sol, este tiene una de las aguas más frías de Anna. Antiguamente daba vida a una pequeña central hidroeléctrica.
In the Gorgo de l'Escala, the river has created a large canyon with deep crystalline waters accessed through 136 steps.
Its waters precipitate in a "gorgo", forming a large horse tail called "El Salto". Due to its situation, which is not very accessible to the sun's rays, it has one of the coldest waters of Anna. Formerly it gave life to a small hydroelectric power station.
Sus aguas se precipitan en un "gorgo", formando una gran cola de caballo que llaman "El Salto". Debido a su situación poco accesible a los rayos del sol, este tiene una de las aguas más frías de Anna. Antiguamente daba vida a una pequeña central hidroeléctrica.
In the Gorgo de l'Escala, the river has created a large canyon with deep crystalline waters accessed through 136 steps.
Its waters precipitate in a "gorgo", forming a large horse tail called "El Salto". Due to its situation, which is not very accessible to the sun's rays, it has one of the coldest waters of Anna. Formerly it gave life to a small hydroelectric power station.
lunes, 2 de julio de 2018
Benidorm en la lejanía
Benidorm en la lejanía
Desde la torre de la Punta del Cavall, se divisa la ciudad de Benidorm en la lejanía. Una ruta tranquila y sin esfuerzos, con paisajes maravillosos a cada momento.
From the tower of Punta del Cavall, you can see the city of Benidorm in the distance. A calm and effortless route, with wonderful landscapes at every moment.
From the tower of Punta del Cavall, you can see the city of Benidorm in the distance. A calm and effortless route, with wonderful landscapes at every moment.
domingo, 1 de julio de 2018
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