"Déjà vu (en francés, ‘ya visto’) o paramnesia es la experiencia de sentir que se ha sido testigo o se ha experimentado previamente una situación nueva". (Definición de Wikipedia)
Hace muchos años, asistí a unos cursillos de relajación, en donde se nos proponía, que tendríamos que imaginar encontrarnos en una playa solitaria, en donde, con una musiquilla de fondo tipo zen, deberiamos sentirnos, enormemente felices y tranquilos. Después de hacerlo muchas veces, reconozco que a cada intento, el estado de relax, era superior al de la vez anterior. Los años pasaron, pero la imagen de aquella playa, la seguía teniendo muy fresca en mi memoria. Por eso, cuando paseando por O Grove, descubrí ésta playa de la foto, no pude evitar emocionarme. Era tan sumamente parecida, a la durante tanto tiempo había estado viendo en aquellos momentos de relajación, que quise pensar
que tal vez no era solo casualidad. ¿No habeis tenido nunca la sensación de estar viendo algo, que haya habeis vivido en otra ocasión?. Creo que lo llaman "déjà vu". Pues algo parecido me ha sucedido a mí con esta playa. No se que habrá de verdad en esta experiencia, pero no deja de ser curioso para mí.
"Déjà vu (French 'already seen'), or confabulation is the experience of feeling that has been witnessed or experienced a new situation previously." (Definition from Wikipedia)
Many years ago I attended a few courses of relaxation, where we proposed, we should imagine to find in a lonely beach, where, with a background tune zen-like, we should feel enormously happy and peaceful. After doing so many times, I recognize that each attempt, the state of relaxation, was higher than last time. Years passed, but the image of this beach, still had fresh in my memory. So when walking in O Grove, I discovered this beach in the photo, I could not help being moved. It was so very similar to the so long had been seeing in those moments of relaxation, I wanted to think
maybe it was not just coincidence. Did not you ever had the sensation of seeing something, there you have lived in another time?. I think they call it "déjà vu". Well something similar has happened to me me to this beach. Not to be true in this experience, but is curious to me.
que tal vez no era solo casualidad. ¿No habeis tenido nunca la sensación de estar viendo algo, que haya habeis vivido en otra ocasión?. Creo que lo llaman "déjà vu". Pues algo parecido me ha sucedido a mí con esta playa. No se que habrá de verdad en esta experiencia, pero no deja de ser curioso para mí.
"Déjà vu (French 'already seen'), or confabulation is the experience of feeling that has been witnessed or experienced a new situation previously." (Definition from Wikipedia)
Many years ago I attended a few courses of relaxation, where we proposed, we should imagine to find in a lonely beach, where, with a background tune zen-like, we should feel enormously happy and peaceful. After doing so many times, I recognize that each attempt, the state of relaxation, was higher than last time. Years passed, but the image of this beach, still had fresh in my memory. So when walking in O Grove, I discovered this beach in the photo, I could not help being moved. It was so very similar to the so long had been seeing in those moments of relaxation, I wanted to think
maybe it was not just coincidence. Did not you ever had the sensation of seeing something, there you have lived in another time?. I think they call it "déjà vu". Well something similar has happened to me me to this beach. Not to be true in this experience, but is curious to me.
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